my sweet buddy-man

I love my kids! Today I am especially thankful for my sweet, happy baby boy! He has adjusted to the ‘time-change’ beautifully, soothing himself until the right time for me to get him up [though I did get him a few minutes early by the clock].
He only complains when hungry or soiled. and loves to see his momma’s face. He gets extra excited to see his daddy.
He has the most infectious smile and when he’s happy, his whole body gets into it.
I love you, my sweet buddy-man!
edited to add:
Corban Malachi. 
his name means the messenger dedicated to God.
I do not know what he will do as his job when he grows up, but my prayer is that he always proclaim God. no matter his livelihood.

 Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 

for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

updated to add…. TODAY I’M ONE [June 13, 2012]

the man I call Husband

God gave me a wonderful man to call Husband. 
He is thoughtful, considerate, helpful and encouraging.
He shows me God’s patience every day. which convicts me of my own lack. and moves me closer to my Savior.
He loves our children. plays with them. loves on them. helps me get them ready for church. disciplines in love.
He volunteers to go grocery shopping with me. BECAUSE I LIKE IT. not because he does.
He likes to see things I’ve sewn and improvements I’ve made on store-bought things.
He doesn’t mind trying new recipes. and is very tactful when something is awful.
He loves the Lord and the challenges of his own occupation lead him closer to his Savior.
He asked ME to marry him. {silly grin}
Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

church family

I am reminded of the priceless treasure my family has in our church family.
Both sets of grandparents live far away, but there are several couples in the church who just ‘adopt’ all the children to be their grandchildren. They speak to and hug every child and just genuinely LOVE children. 
Each of our children have friends whose parents desire Godliness for their own families. My husband and I both have individuals as well as couples that we enjoy spending time with whenever life allows. or just talking to for a few minutes after service. 

There are people I know I can go to and ask for specific prayer requests and know it will be prayed about.
Our Pastor always preaches truth. and encourages us to hunt  in the Bible for ourselves and not just follow him. but follow Jesus. He is a wonderful example of faithfulness [he and his wife have been in this church for over 30 years!] and Godly servanthood.

There has not been a service in the 8 years we’ve been here where I did not walk away encouraged by something.  the sermon. a kind word. a sweet gesture towards my children. a smiling face. a song sung from the heart.

God has blessed my family.
Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

thinking becomes thanking

I suppose I should make a list of the things I wish to share as being thankful for this month. They run through my head all day and some of the night, and then when I wish to actually type them out, my mind is blank and full of rushing thoughts by turn.
So. today I am thankful that this challenge has put my mind in a state of constantly thinking about what I am thankful for. 
A few times a week I have been making my own list of 1,000 gifts [inspired by Ann]: ordinary blessings. 
Our family has also been learning [all of us] about being THANKFUL. and I have a posts specifically about that for later. and not just being thankful, but HAVING a SPIRIT of THANKFULNESS. It needs to permeate my very being. It can be a slow and painful process for fully-grown, set-in-our-ways adults. but children are still moldable. and I pray we can all be changed and reshaped by this process.

Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

Jesus {my Savior}

Today I am thankful for my Savior. His salvation is given so freely. 
The freedom He gives to live the way I ought. the peace that comes with it.
The convicting pains He sends when I have strayed. for they keep me close. and humble.

The Love He showers over my life. without which I could never love anyone.

Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!