the ham

and NO. 
I don’t mean pig meat. {smiles}
This little girl is my ‘ham-it-up’ lady. Each of my girlies loves to have her picture taken, though we need to work a bit on natural smiling when taking posed photos! But this one. she takes the cake.
Anya Ruth. 
her name means a graceful [filled] or gracious friend

My prayer is that she learn to be so.
She makes me smile. every. day. And I thank God for sending her into our family!

for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

arms wrapped round

I love hugs. 
My husband’s arms bring security. and love. that sense of belonging.
A friend’s hug can bring heart-warmth.

The ones that come from the little bodies that call me Mom are just plain beautiful.

for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

old friends

It is wonderful to meet new people and find fellowship with believers wherever you may be, but there is something very special about certain friendships that simply stand the test of time. no matter the miles.
Today, I am thankful for ‘old’ friends. From those friendships forged in gradeschool that have remained thus for over 25 years to the ones with a little less age created in college. 
**My friends, we are now scattered across the globe. but my life is richer and more beautiful for having known you. and to still be able to say-yes, that is my friend!-I am thankful.**
Thank you, Lord, for bringing some ‘old’ friends across our path. You always know what I need.
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!


Today I am thankful for beautiful sunshine.
The way it pours through a glass pane and just fills the room. with LIGHT. I can see the faces of my precious babies. I can view the smile of my Man.
The way it filters through autumn colors on the trees. or naked branches reaching for it’s warmth.
In the spring it will warm the soil and awaken life.
Just bathing my face in it for a few minutes each day can give me a vitamin essential to my well-being! How good God is.
taken at the parade yesterday
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

the sacrifice of a soldier

This is a day dedicated to those who have fought for our freedoms:   

Thank you. 
is not enough.
The sacrifices of a soldier [and his family] are worthy of more than just a day of remembrance. 
But today. we will remember.

And today, we will be thankful.

a house called home

Some days I get discouraged over the size of our house. I think, Lord, there are smaller families with larger homes than we have! I suppose this is an odd way to begin a thankfulness post. But, sometimes becoming thankful begins with being unthankful. and REALIZING it!
Today, I am thankful for our house.
because it IS OUR HOME.

We love each other and have fun together. here. [and there are so many people who have merely a fraction of the space we have.]

We have painted walls and decorated and organized. Many days it may look like a strong wind blew through. but they have names! {smiles} 

We have a roof that does not leak. 
We have walls with no holes where there should not be. 
We have doors that close and lock. We have glass panes in our windows. 
Every single child has her/his own bed. Hubby and I have a queen sized bed! We each have [at least] 2 blankets with which we can cover ourselves. 
We have a kitchen table. We have a pantry area-that is often full and rarely empty.
We have couches and lamps and dressers and STUFF to put in them. We have a working washer and dryer.
We have a HOME that is BIG because WE ARE TOGETHER. 

[and it will seem even bigger after we have another de-cluttering weekend. {smiles}]

for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

and then head over to AMother’sHeritage

to get inspiration for making your bedroom a HAVEN! 

foriegn missionaries

This week our church has had our Faith Promise Missions Conference. It began Sunday and will end this evening. We do things a little differently than I have seen in other churches, but I really like it! Monday through Wednesday the Missionaries each have a room of their own in our high school building and you can choose which Missionary to visit each evening.  It is fun to be in small groups with the Missionaries.
Today, I am thankful for foreign missionaries [all Christians are to be missionaries right where we are!]. My husband grew up on a foreign field. His parents are still faithfully serving the Lord in Japan. They have been there nearly 35 years! 
I have friends all over the world. sharing the Gospel with people of many languages and cultures.
THANK YOU for your faithfulness to our Lord. 
My family and I appreciate you!

 Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!

season changing

I am thankful for cooler weather. 
While most of my family enjoys the heat. to the point of loving July & August here in the deep south, I could live where it is never over 70 degrees and be happy as a lark. 
I only dislike the snow when I am not prepared to be dressed for it [when there is snow on the ground less than 1 week total out of 3-4 months of winter, we do not have an excess of snow-accessories. mostly because we have no room for storing for them the other 51 weeks of the year {heeehe}].
But, still. I love cooler weather. Autum is my favorite. I love the spring flowers and the spirit of new life that permeates. 

But fall, those colors are spectacular!

And usually, the temperatures are 
 Head over to BecomingaStrongWomanofGod 
for the Thankful Challenge link-up!