practically perfect in every way

poppinsilhouetteI can see how some visitors may not like me “endorsing” a movie. There really are very few worth watching out there. And even this one causes some reservations as my children ask if she is real or if it all And then there is the whole suffrage movement.

But I so enjoy the character of Mary Poppins. My children also love her. Personally, I wish she were real; [smiles] and I wish I were just like her {snapping my fingers to clean up the toys?!}.

Of course, perfection and tea parties on the ceiling and popping into chalk pictures are just fairy-tales  -beautiful whimsy and imagination.

But there are a few things we can learn from her approach to children and life. 

1. children’s wants and desires are not to be dismissed out of hand just because they are children. 

2. children need and WANT their father’s [and mother’s!] time and affection.

several years ago!

several years ago!

3. children need play in equal proportion to learning, and sometimes the two go hand-in-hand.

4. while the occasional babysitter is necessary for the survival of a marriage, children do not need a nanny. They need their parents, specifically-time with their parents! [and I won’t go any further than that!].

And while I will never be a Mary Poppins, I can take these lessons and apply them to my responsibility as a mother. 

I must be intentional about taking time to listen to my children-their concerns, their stories, the reason for their squabbles, the way others treat them, what their dreams are, etc.

I must take the initiative to be sure each child has time with me regularly. In a loving manner, I must nurture time with their daddy. 

Even amid chores and the eventual homework that comes with growing up, I must take the time to remember they are still children. If home and school become only about work, they may come to resent being in either place. Life is full of adventure. And sometimes I need to remind myself of that! 

As often as our personal schedules allow, I should make arrangements for the children to be cared for by someone else for a brief time so as to foster a loving relationship between myself and my husband. Because whether I like it or not, our marriage will be the one they most likely model their own marriages after one day. I need to be sure I am seeking the Lord in being an example of a loving, Godly wife {no matter my faults as a housekeeper-lol}.


predictions {day 19}

I apologize for my absence yesterday. There is no explanation other than time got away from me, and I did not get this typed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

waking-up1As we here in America face elections in just over 2 weeks, many are downcast at the state of our country and the choices offered for President. And many, from all of the multiple “sides” of the issues, are conflicted with friends and family over which person should receive their vote.

As I was pondering how certain talking points {specifically politics} have been the basis of heated discussions throughout the entire course of our nation, I came across a list of truths that my pushed my thoughts back into perspective. 

I pray it can be an encouragement to you also!



1. The Bible will still have all the answers. 

2. Prayer will still be the most powerful force on Earth.

3. The Holy Spirit will still move in hearts of God’s people.

4. There will still be room at the Cross. 

5. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.

Is it not a Blessed Hope to remember that:

we can look for the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ [Titus 2:13] 
and that …the word of the Lord endureth for ever. [1 Peter 1:25] 
and Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. [Hebrews 13:8]  ???

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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Chicken Reasoning [guest blogger]

Chicken Reasoning [guest blogger] this post is from my hubby! I am so excited to have his thoughts to share. [We in NO way are judging those who did or did not attend the appreciation day. These are just some thoughts from his heart to my readers.  I also have a post...

the best way to love our children

I missed my scheduled posting time last week. But the children and I had great fun visiting my grandparents, whom I have not seen since my oldest child was a few months old! It was so wonderful for them to meet the other 3! It was a rather spur-of-the-moment trip, so I had time to schedule any posts.
my grandparents, my children & myself
I have long heard it proclaimed to men: “The best way to love your children is to love their mommy. and let them KNOW you love their mommy!”

This obvious affection creates stability that children so desperately need.

This idea is rooted in Biblical truths, but for today I am simply relating personal experience.
And I am going to tip the tables and say it backwards: “The best way for ME [mommy] to love my children is to love their daddy. and let them KNOW it!”

I must be INTENTIONAL about my love for him.

us copy

I have come to notice that the more I devote my time, attention and even Bible study & prayer to simply loving my husband in the way he feels love [his love language], the nicer I am to my children when they are whiny and the more joy comes to me when doing the mundane–laundry, dishes, etc.

Happy Mommy = Happy home.

So, my goal is to commit my mind to pleasing my children’s father; and whether or not the clothing actually gets put away, our home will be a happier place! [but I’m working on getting the laundry put away!!]
I pray these thoughts are encouraging to someone today! 
being part of:

is my help destructive?

As parents, our natural instinct is to protect our children, from all evil and harm; and that is part of a parent’s responsibility.

But another part is to teach and train. And this is where the protection instinct needs to step aside at times [oh, how hard that is!].

When our children are very small, we [parents] are pretty much the only ones who correct and discipline our children– teaching manners, kindness, and self-control, with love and patience [sometimes begging God for that proper spirit].C.mommy

But when my children are older and leave me every day to attend school or go to an age-appropriate Sunday school or even just go to a friends house for an afternoon, what do I teach them about authority? about responsibility? about respect?

It mostly stems from how I react to others correcting my child–{it also is learned by how I respect/obey my own authority-but that’s another post}.

I must realize that my child is a sinner [aren’t we all? Romans 3:23] and he/she WILL do wrong, and need correction– at school or a friend’s house, even in children’s church.

image from google seasrch

image from google seasrch

And in order to teach them respect for authority, I must be willing to allow other people to have authority over and correct my child. And I, as the parent, must also be willing to enforce their obedience to that other authority. Otherwise I will be teaching my child that I, the parent, can take their responsibility of obedience on my own shoulders; and one day she would have a very rude awakening.

Galatians 6:7,8- Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. [We will all reap the consequences from our OWN actions, and we must TEACH this truth to our children.]

If I do not teach the reality of consequences—

Romans 4:11,12- As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

[We are each responsible for our own actions.]


I Peter 4: 3-5- For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:  wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.

image from google sesarch

[There will be those who do not understand when we choose to live differently, but God will judge.]

—then, when our children are all grown up, they will likely continue to expect Dad and Mom to bail them out when they have done wrong, and may live as though you can bail them out in heaven, too.

And here is the point:

There comes a time [earlier than you might expect and years before they become a teenager!] when I cannot and should not protect my children from themselves, and the consequences of their actions. This is how they learn responsibility and integrity.

Deliverance ….before a lesson is learned


and I do not want to destroy the most precious gifts God has given me!


being MY husband’s wife

There are so many posts out there that talk about being a wife the way God intended. There are a few posts about that on this blog. 
But today I am going to tell you a few things I have personally learned about being the wife my husband praises {wow! that sounds boastful, but his praises are how I know I have done something right! so I am going to share what that has been recently}. 
**And just because my husband has noticed these things does NOT mean I can give them up as “accomplished”! I still struggle with these -and so much more- every. single. day.**

1. being intentionally “beautiful” for him- dressing more for his eyes.

{I know that might sound like I think I’m pretty, but really, I just mean that what he enjoys about my wardrobe has become more of my focus when I dress & shop}
When I keep my hubby’s likes in the forefront of my thoughts when dressing for the day, I find there are a few items of clothing that really need to go! And when I allow it to influence what I buy, I feel better about spending a few dollars on my wardrobe. I also find that I feel more feminine knowing that there is a man out there that appreciates the way I look { 🙂 }. 
**Have you ever asked your husband what clothing he likes on you? or just taken note of his expressive reaction to your outfit?

2. making our supper daily- and usually it is edible. { 🙂 }

I try to make note of the meals he eats quickly and those he gives me some “direction” on… and take the direction as a gentle reminder that I am not the only one eating the food I prepare! While I do try to make our food as nutritionally healthy as possible, sometimes I just try to make something I know he thinks is YUMMY! because HE is my #1! 
**Do you let your husband occasionally criticize your food with an open mind {and heart!}? It’s not easy sometimes, but it can show him your love.

3. allowing God to work in my heart.

valentine-heart{if he can notice it, it must not be my imagination that God is working, and He has shown me some ugly things about myself recently}
When I ask and then allow God to show me that ugliness called SELF in my heart and then also allow Him to work a change in my life, it makes me a more pleasant person {just trust me on that if you have never experienced it}. And living with a woman who has a pleasant disposition is at least part of EVERY man’s dream! { 🙂 } Yes, it IS hard sometimes.
It is painful to know… sometimes agonizing to admit… that I am wrong– that things I have thought and acted on were just not right, not Godly, not Christlike.
But when I have allowed God to work, and I have humbly told my husband that I know this or that was wrong and will you please forgive me, there is such a freedom that comes. And usually he turns right around and tells me that he realizes it was not all my fault.
** When you have conflict with your husband, do you ever honestly asked God to reveal your own fault in the situation? and then talked humbly and openly with your husband about it?
How do you intentionally show your husband he is your #1? I’d love to read it in the comments!
I pray these thoughts are encouraging to someone today! 
being part of:

{10 reasons} I’m thankful to be a SAHW&M

When we found out we were expecting our first child, I had no other thought but that I would stop working outside the home and become a stay-at-home-mom. My husband and I never really sat down and talked it through [we should have!], but that was his desire for me as well.
In the years since I have realized many things about myself. The most glaringly evident being that I am not a very good housekeeper {I do smile at this, so you can too!}. But I love my husband and my children, and here are some reasons I am thankful to stay home each day.

[in no particular order]
1. My younger children can sleep until their bodies are ready to wake up [which is usually early enough!]
2. I can influence what goes into their minds each day.
3. We can learn how to keep a home. together! [they will probably be better than I am before they are teenagers!]
4. I have more opportunity to create meals from ‘scratch’ and have learned a little about nutrition and health.
5. I am available to my husband at any time to help with any project he has.
6. I am available to pick up my child from school if she were to be ill, and I do not have to worry about loosing my job in order to stay home to care for my children if they are sick. {edit: Now as a homeschool mom, we can do what is necessary to ensure health or take steps to get well while staying home.}
7. I can spend time learning something new–such as how to make food from scratch and how to use and organize a schedule! {edit: I am now pursuing herbal “alternatives” and more natural health.}
8. I have opportunity to help with different ministries [on occasion] in our church that I could not if I held an ‘outside job’.
9. In all honesty, I simply enjoy being at home [most days] and just loving on my kids and preparing for hubby and big sister to come home.
10. But the main reason for my being thankful for the opportunity to stay home is that I have realized just how important it really is. I will not go into all the detail of what and how… but only recently have I truly understood the importance of my role as a wife …and then a mother… and been able to find contentment [with God’s help] in learning how to be.
and beginning this Wednesday I will be posting something  “wifey” and prayerfully encouraging!!
the last Wednesday of each month for the rest of the year.

preserve. guide. bless.

treePsalm 25:21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.

Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.

Proverbs 19:1 Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

Proverbs 20:7 The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

Apparently, integrity is something that can guide us. can preserve us. can bless our children. It is on the same level as uprightness– better than having riches.

I want integrity.

I want my children to have integrity!!

integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; the condition of being unified, unimpaired, or sound in construction; internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data

When most of us think of integrity in people, we probably are thinking of the first part of the definition: being honest and having strong moral principles.

Are we honest? Obviously, we should not speak our whole mind about others or to others [Proverbs 29:11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.].

But sometimes we are not even honest with ourselves. We say we do not care what others think, but we do; AND we SHOULD. We should care what others think, but only to the extent of HONESTLY examining our own lives and actions.

To care about what others think does not mean I will compromise the cause of Christ–and my children need to understand that, too.

I must not brush aside when others correct my children or make known a fault {no matter if it is done rudely or tastefully}. 

I must teach my children how to handle correction- with humility and honesty.

But also, we must deal honestly with others.girlsbridge

Speak honestly.

Pay attention that we do not take advantage of others’ generosity.

And keep watch that our children learn this.

Even further, are we honest with God? in our opportunities to witness, with using the talents He has given us, in our giving. Only an individual can examine his own heart, but we must also remember that others see our actions.

[We should care what others think, but only to the extent of HONESTLY examining our own lives and actions.]

Beyond being honest, do we have a Biblical sense of morality? I stress Biblical because today’s morality is changed from the morality my parents grew up with. We cannot flow with society in this.

Do I teach my children what the Bible says about right and wrong? Do I teach them consequences? If not, they will have a rude awakening one day. Do I give them an example of truthfulness and responsibility?

Simple ethics and expectations of good behavior, a Biblical sense of justice and modest propriety seem to be a thing of by-gone days.

But as mothers, we can help CHANGE that!

     by TEACHING our children to have integrity.

