{2} saturate yourself with God’s Word

KEY 2:

Saturate yourself with God’s Word

When you are forgiven, you have a clean slate before God. But it is not enough to have a clean slate. You need to ask the Lord to write His Truth on the slate of your heart. You need to have God’s Goodness instilled in you.

 You acquire God’s Truth about virtually every situation by reading His Word. You need to saturate yourself with God’s opinion, and in the area of emotional health, that means saturating yourself with God’s opinion about you.

 In the Scriptures you discover that you are: 

–a child of God [Galations 3:26-27; I John 5:1,2]

 –accepted totally and completely by God [Acts 10:34,35; Ephesians 1:3,6]

–an heir of the Father through Christ Jesus [Galatians 3:29; Titus 3:7]

Many other descriptions of God’s people appear in the Scriptures. you may want to start a list or circle them as you read your Bible daily. If you are born again into Christ Jesus, all of these descriptions about the children of God apply to you. Take them as part of your profile.

The great preacher Alexander White, when he was too old to mount the pulpit, would rise every morning to prepare a sermon, even though he never preached them. He did so until the day he died. He was convinced that study of the Word was essential to saving himself- not eternal salvation but the saving of one’s emotional well-being [I Timothy 4:16].

Key Two to being emotionally whole is 

saturate yourself with God’s Word.


written by Dr. Mike Rouse

used by permission

My Pastor writes a short article for our Sunday bulletin every week [and has for many years]. Currently, he is writing a series on Being Emotionally Whole, and I wanted to share it with you during the next few weeks. My posting these articles is not my Pastor’s endorsement of my blog. All  opinions and thoughts expressed on this blog [unless otherwise noted, as here] are purely my own and not specifically affiliated with my church.

{1} give your heart to Christ

{key 1} give your heart to Christ

Spiritual redemption is the first key toward developing a correct self-image. People who do not know Jesus as Savior may claim that they think healthy thoughts about themselves, but most unbelievers I know who state that they are self-sufficient in themselves and do not need Christ are miserable people in crises. They are like beautiful flowering weeds with no strong root system.

These people have only themselves upon which to rely for strength, energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and new methods. Eventually, they get to the end of themselves. They do not have the Holy Spirit residing in them to transform their lives in Christ in a way that is based on truth and is comforting even in times of chastisement.

Having a relationship with Christ Jesus resolves many issues that undermine emotional wholeness: 

–feeling guilty. Guilt is created when you have unforgiven sin. When you ask for God’s forgiveness, you are forgiven. Guilt is washed away. 

–feeling unloved. When you turn to Christ, you realize that God loves you and desires to have an eternal relationship with you!

–having a spirit of revenge. Once you have accepted God’s free gift of salvation, you are no longer in a position to  justify why God should not forgive others who are also sinners in need of a Savior. What God has done for you, He desires to do for all men and woman, regardless of their past. 

 –striving to earn favor with God. God’s gift of salvation is free. You cannot earn it, buy it or achieved it through good works. You do not deserve it. When you truly are born anew spiritually, you will realize that any favor you have with God is on the basis of what Christ has done, is doing, and will do in your and through you.

If you truly want to be emotionally whole, you must first give your life to Christ.

originally written by Dr. Mike Rouse, used by permission, edited

Spiritual redemption is the first key toward developing a correct self-image. People who do not know Jesus as Savior may claim that they think healthy thoughts about themselves, but most unbelievers I know who state that they are self-sufficient in themselves and do not need Christ are miserable people in crises. They are like beautiful flowering weeds with no strong root system.

These people have only themselves upon which to rely for strength, energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and new methods. Eventually, they get to the end of themselves. They do not have the Holy Spirit residing in them to transform their lives in Christ in a way that is based on truth and is comforting even in times of chastisement.

Having a relationship with Christ Jesus resolves many issues that undermine emotional wholeness: 

–feeling guilty. Guilt is created when you have unforgiven sin. When you ask for God’s forgiveness, you are forgiven. Guilt is washed away. 

–feeling unloved. When you turn to Christ, you realize that God loves you and desires to have an eternal relationship with you!

–having a spirit of revenge. Once you have accepted God’s free gift of salvation, you are no longer in a position to  justify why God should not forgive others who are also sinners in need of a Savior. What God has done for you, He desires to do for all men and woman, regardless of their past. 

 –striving to earn favor with God. God’s gift of salvation is free. You cannot earn it, buy it or achieved it through good works. You do not deserve it. When you truly are born anew spiritually, you will realize that any favor you have with God is on the basis of what Christ has done, is doing, and will do in your and through you.

If you truly want to be emotionally whole, you must first give your life to Christ.

originally written by Dr. Mike Rouse, used by permission, edited


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