-ANYONE CAN DO IT-inspiration for Bible [art] Journaling

A reoccurring sentiment that I am finding among some of my friends when they ask me about my Bible Journaling is “I’m not artistic–I could never do that.”

Well, I am going to tell you



please read on!

Last Thursday I ran across this lady’s Bible Art Journaling Challenge through her tutorials on YouTube.

I have been so blessed watching them —for 2 days! hehe

Her name is Rebekah R. Jones, and she began a weekly challenge in January–so there’s quite a bit to soak in. 

Each week she delves into different art mediums and techniques, from very detailed drawing and watercolors to paint “splashes” with stencils and stickers–there REALLY is a technique out there for everyone 🙂

If you feel you are completely non-artistic, as several of my friends are claiming when they talk to me about my journaling, here are a few of her tutorials that just a few $ of supplies will get you going:

{please don’t skip my NOTE at the bottom} 


click photo to go to her page of archived Bible Art Journaling Challenges

Joshua 1:9 Be BRAVE |uses die-cut letters and distress ink |on her blog

Psalm 98:4-6Shout Joyfully | music: uses stamps and stencils and watercolors |on her blog

Luke 24:49His Promise Remains | uses washi tape and alphabet stamps |on her blog

I have also enjoyed hearing/reading how the passages from each of her challenges speaks to her–because THAT IS WHAT this is ALL ABOUT!

{***NOTE: cutting your own letters or buying already die-cut letters, either can work!… and whatever selection of colors you can afford–OR just using a stencil and tracing the letters in pencil and coloring around them in a random pattern with colored pencils…

***I’m not trying to tell you to do exactly what she does… just that some of these techniques require no ‘artistic skill’ at all… And if you watch through her videos, you will find the reoccurring theme that since we are created in the image of a creative God, we ALL HAVE creativity… ALL of us 🙂

***Search Amazon for stencils and stamps–music is a reoccurring theme in Scripture, you’ll likely use them more than once. And an alphabet is definitely multi-use! AND, who doesn’t love washi tape? Probably only people who’ve never heard of it 🙂 ***}

Once you’r over on her blog or YouTube channel, visit around,
see even more techniques,
be blessed  and leave her comments!
I know she’d love it. 

yellow daisy2

I am going to try to jump in with her next challenge [she shares them on Tuesdays] and share what I create the following week….

I would LOVE to have you join in too--using your own preference of tools and just on plain sketch paper if that’s what works for you 🙂 It’s what I’ve been using!


…and I will still continue with my James Study, but will be slowing to only 1 post per week {though my actual study will be a little swifter, I cannot post as quickly as I study}.


what is YOUR problem?

what is YOUR problem?

Yesterday, my husband preached in the stead of a pastor who was out of town.

His message came from Daniel 2-which is quite a familiar passage to most people who have “grown up in church”: King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream which troubled him, but he cannot remember it when he awakes. When none of the wise men of Babylon can give him the answers for which he seeks, the king decrees that ALL the wise men of the land be killed.

All of them.

Daniel and his companions are among these wise men, and this concerns Daniel.

With the upmost confidence Daniel tells the king that he will surely give the king his answer, with time. And then Daniel meets with his 3 closest friends, and they pray.

Something pointed out that I had never truly considered before was that they did not have some discussion about what the answer could be… they did not call on any other people to see if they had any ideas… they did not begin making plans for escape if no answer was found.

They prayed.

They prayed first.  {So important… but not my main point today.}

They had confidence in God to bring glory to Himself.

Did you get that? 

They had confidence in God to bring glory to Himself.  

And this brings me to the crux of what I took away from the message.

Daniel realized that his problem was not what was sitting right in front of him.

Daniel’s problem was NOT the king’s decree to kill him. 

Daniel saw THE Problem.

This problem that is actually THE problem at the crux of all difficulties that come our way.

How can God be glorified through this?

My problem is not that the bathroom needs cleaning.

The problem is that I do not think that the chore can glorify God.

My problem is not that I lost my temper… again.

The problem is that God wants to glorify Himself THROUGH my downfalls... and I don’t always humble myself before Him so that He can.

My problem is not ever that our vehicle does not start or has an issue with its engine.

The problem is ALWAYS: How can THIS bring glory to my God?

My problem is that I am not willing to take my hands OFF and just simply let God…    BE God.

Let me pray. But let me take my hands off the problem as I see it.

And let God.

Let God bring Himself glory.

His workings ALWAYS reveal Himself, bringing glory to Himself.

He is in every situation.

And through every “problem” He is working.


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a new blog!

Today you can find me over here:
a new blog for moms! 
Stop by and let everyone know you were there by leaving a comment saying HI!
And I have a couple of posts in the works for my “home blog” too!

Chicken Reasoning [guest blogger]

Chicken Reasoning [guest blogger]
this post is from my hubby!
I am so excited to have his thoughts to share.
[We in NO way are judging those who did or did not attend the appreciation day.
These are just some thoughts from his heart to my readers. 
I also have a post scheduled for tomorrow on the same topic.]
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Back in July, Chick-fil-A’s (CFA) CEO, Dan Cathy, spoke out against same sex marriage and how he believes marriage is between one man and one woman. What a great statement! Though unfortunately, in this day and age, attacks are sure to come when you speak out against something that the left agrees with. The CEO never mentioned he hated the LGBT lifestyle participants, he just spoke out against their lifestyle. Here are some of the comments that have come under high scrutiny:
We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.
Yesterday marked a wonderful day of out pouring of support to local CFA’s around the country; and though I did not personally participate, I know of many good people and Christians who did.
That was yesterday, August 1st, 2012.
But how about the other 364 days out of the year?
How about last year? How about this century?
The fact of the matter is, most, I would venture to say 80-90%, of those who waited in line to order their tasty sandwich have never opened their mouths to voice their “freedom of speech” in the form of a letter to a Congressman. Sure, they may have tagged along on some internet form letter, but how many of us have actually taken an individual step to voice our concern on the issue of same sex marriages and unions?
There are several problems with the appreciation event at local CFA’s yesterday that truly concern me:
1-Although people lined up for this cause, many of these same people have literally done nothing to reverse the many LGBT lifestyle agendas that have been put in place. Sure they may have voted against a proposition in their state, but that is not really going above and beyond, that is a status quo option. (above and beyond: writing/calling Congressmen, State Congressmen, shown an activist role in defeating this “lifestyle agenda”, etc. etc.)
2-It appeared that, to many, eating a chicken sandwich yesterday somehow made them  feel, dare I say it, more spiritual? What a sad state of affairs that is. Whole states have been lost to the GLBT agenda, 6 to be exact, because, to be honest, people think that eating a chicken sandwich is truly accomplishing something. It does nothing to change the laws in those 6 states or the 13 other states that now allow same-sex unions.
3-Many went to support the comments of CFA’s CEO. That is a noble thing to do. But preachers proclaim the truth of God’s Word week after week, and sometimes people attack the man of God. True, it might not always be something like homosexuality. It might just so happen to be the pastor dared preach against our “pet” sin, and thus we resort to attack what he says even though it is the truth of God’s Word, just as much truth as what CEO Dan Cathy stated in his interview.
4-Why does the homosexual community even feel the way they do towards Christians? I would say a large part of it has to do with the way some Christians have treated them. I know some people who live the homosexual lifestyle, and I praise the Lord that every single one of them has said something like this to me before, “you aren’t like the others (Christians), you accept me for who I am and treat me right.” They knew I did not like their lifestyle; but you know what, they also knew I cared for THEM, that I loved them as a person. I praise the Lord that not only has He helped me to be able to feel that way, but they were able to see it as well. We must accept people where they are, and then HELP THEM (not BEAT THEM) become what God wants them to become.
5-Our bottom line through all of this should not be to support a man, or worse, to eat a good chicken sandwich. Our bottom line should be to be the witness we ought to be to reach this segment of the population. One amazing thing about Christ and His ministry on earth is that He would see multitudes of people, and He would even see their sin, and yet He still had compassion on them. He saw the woman at the well, and instantly knew everything about this woman, how she was living in sin many times over. And what did He do? He had compassion on her soul. He sought her out on an individual basis so she could live in heaven forever.
6-Similarly to #5, many in local churches give to support missions and missionaries through their local church. But unfortunately, that is where it ends for many Christians. They seem to justify in their mind that giving to missions is doing their part in reaching the world for Christ. Although this is needy, God says it is necessary for EACH Christian to open their mouth and proclaim Christ. Just living for God will never reach anyone. It might make them curious, but if you never share the Gospel nothing has been accomplished for Christ. Jesus reached people by speaking to them and sharing the Gospel with them. Think of it this way, if there was anyone who could have reached more through lifestyle evangelism, it would have been the perfect man of Jesus Christ, and yet He still spoke to people about how to be saved.
Many used yesterday to make a statement, and I do not fault them for this. But we must not let it END there. This can be the beginning of something new.
Get involved- spiritually, politically, and personally.
We can all pray for the Lord of the harvest to work amongst us to see more saved. That is truly where victory in life lies, it is not in Washington. It is not even at the state or local political level. It is how we allow God to work in and through us each day that will truly last forever.
My challenge is simple. Many spent 60+ minutes to order food to make a statement, or support freedom of speech, or whatever their reason was. Today you can spend less time than that to reach out and write a letter to your Congressman.
Just think, if just half of those who went through the chicken doors yesterday were to write a letter today stating their support of marriage between one man and one woman, Congress would be inundated with letters; and I believe they would seriously need to look at legislation that could change the course of our nation.
To help you out, here is a link to write to your Congressman:
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{all photos were randomly found on google.
nothing is mine and I have no links to share.}
Please feel free to comment on here or my Facebook page. I’ll be sure he reads them!!
this post is from my hubby!
so excited to have his thoughts to share.
[We in NO way are judging those who did or did not attend the appreciation day. These are just some thoughts from his heart to my readers. 
I also have a post scheduled for tomorrow on the same topic.]
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Back in July, Chick-fil-A’s (CFA) CEO, Dan Cathy, spoke out against same sex marriage and how he believes marriage is between one man and one woman. What a great statement! Though unfortunately, in this day and age, attacks are sure to come when you speak out against something that the left agrees with. The CEO never mentioned he hated the LGBT lifestyle participants, he just spoke out against their lifestyle. Here are some of the comments that have come under high scrutiny:
We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.
Yesterday marked a wonderful day of out pouring of support, to local CFA’s around the country; and though I did not personally participate, I know of many good people and Christians who did.
That was yesterday, August 1st, 2012.
But how about the other 364 days out of the year?
How about last year? How about this century?
The fact of the matter is, most, I would venture to say 80-90%, of those who waited in line to order their tasty sandwich have never opened their mouths to voice their “freedom of speech” in the form of a letter to a Congressman. Sure, they may have tagged along on some internet form letter, but how many of us have actually taken an individual step to voice our concern on the issue of same sex marriages and unions?
There are several problems with the appreciation event at local CFA’s yesterday that truly concern me:
1-Although people lined up for this cause, many of these same people have literally done nothing to reverse the many LGBT lifestyle agendas that have been put in place. Sure they may have voted against a proposition in their state, but that is not really going above and beyond, that is a status quo option. (above and beyond: writing/calling Congressmen, State Congressmen, shown an activist role in defeating this “lifestyle agenda”, etc. etc.)
2-It appeared that, to many, eating a chicken sandwich yesterday somehow made them  feel, dare I say it, more spiritual? What a sad state of affairs that is. Whole states have been lost to the GLBT agenda, 6 to be exact, because, to be honest, people think that eating a chicken sandwich is truly accomplishing something. It does nothing to change the laws in those 6 states or the 13 other states that now allow same-sex unions.
3-Many went to support the comments of CFA’s CEO. That is a noble thing to do. But preachers proclaim the truth of God’s Word week after week, and sometimes people attack the man of God. True, it might not always be something like homosexuality. It might just so happen to be the pastor dared preach against our “pet” sin, and thus we resort to attack what he says even though it is the truth of God’s Word, just as much truth as what CEO Dan Cathy stated in his interview.
4-Why does the homosexual community even feel the way they do towards Christians? I would say a large part of it has to do with the way some Christians have treated them. I know some people who live the homosexual lifestyle, and I praise the Lord that every single one of them has said something like this to me before, “you aren’t like the others (Christians), you accept me for who I am and treat me right.” They knew I did not like their lifestyle; but you know what, they also knew I cared for THEM, that I loved as a person. I praise the Lord that not only has He helped me to be able to feel that way, but they were able to see it as well. We must accept people where they are, and then HELP THEM (not BEAT THEM) become what God wants them to become.
5-Our bottom line through all of this should not be to support a man, or worse, to eat a good chicken sandwich. Our bottom line should be to be the witness we ought to be to reach this segment of the population. One amazing thing about Christ and His ministry on earth is that He would see multitudes of people, and He would even see their sin, and yet He still had compassion on them. He saw the woman at the well, and instantly knew everything about this woman, how she was living in sin many times over. And what did He do? He had compassion on her soul. He sought her out on an individual basis so she could live in heaven forever.
share the gospel!
6-Similarly to #5, many in local churches give to support missions and missionaries through their local church. But unfortunately, that is where it ends for many Christians. They seem to justify in their mind that giving to missions is doing their part in reaching the world for Christ. Although this is needy, God says it is necessary for EACH Christian to open their mouth and proclaim Christ. Just living for God will never reach anyone. It might make them curious, but if you never share the Gospel nothing has been accomplished for Christ. Jesus reached people by speaking to them and sharing the Gospel with them. Think of it this way, if there was anyone who could have reached more through lifestyle evangelism, it would have been the perfect man of Jesus Christ, and yet He still spoke to people about how to be saved.
Many used yesterday to make a statement, and I do not fault them for this. But we must not let it END there. This can be the beginning of something new.
Get involved- spiritually, politically, and personally.
We can all pray for the Lord of the harvest to work amongst us to see more saved. That is truly where victory in life lies, it is not in Washington. It is not even at the state or local political level. It is how we allow God to work in and through us each day that will truly last forever.
My challenge is simple. Many spent 60+ minutes to order food to make a statement, or support freedom of speech, or whatever their reason was. Today you can spend less time than that to reach out and write a letter to your Congressman.
Just think, if just half of those who went through the chicken doors yesterday were to write a letter today stating their support of marriage between one man and one woman, Congress would be inundated with letters; and I believe they would seriously need to look at legislation that could change the course of our nation.
To help you out, here is a link to write to your Congressman:
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{all photos were randomly found on google.
nothing is mine and I have no links to share.}
Please feel free to comment on here or my Facebook page. I’ll be sure he reads them!!

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