Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. 

Proverbs 31:28

What a wonderful encouragement to have your own children and husband notice and proclaim the goodness they see!

I have been called blessed by others, who see my children and know God sees children as a blessing. But the best is when my children tell me they are glad I am their mom! {This is most definitely NOT an every day occurrence. hehe}

I am definitely not the example I ought to be, but occasionally my husband tells me he is glad he married me. That brings a joy to my heart that tells me any all the overwhelming days and sometimes over-thinking nights do count for something… the “doing good” for my husband. 

I, and you, may never receive public accolades in the market or wherever; but if our people are happy and tell us they like being around us… well, I would say we’re on the right path.

[one caveat: This is not something that happens daily in the life of a woman striving to please God. This one verse is not the goal of a Godly woman’s life. It is merely the occasional by-product. There are wonderful women of God who never see these praises. That does not mean her life is a waste! This one verse is not the goal of a Godly woman’s life. It is merely an occasional by-product.]

If you have ever heard kind words from your husband or children, you are indeed blessed! If you have not, keep pressing on… God sees and ultimately, HIS glory and heavenly rewards are what will matter one day.