What is growing me today!

Proverbs chapter 5 gives warning to a young man about the dangers of the “strange woman.” 


I would like to think that there is not a whole lot for me, a Christian, trying-to-be-Godly woman to really get out of that.  

But, there is much there for me. There is an example, several explicit illustrations, of what I should not be as well as character traits I need to guard my own daughters against developing and principles I need to teach my son.

I know that, in general, people can be a little touchy about the subject of the “strange woman.” Many people have used her as a launching point for dwelling on dress and “modesty.” I am not going there!

A totally different thought struck me this morning as I read this chapter.

…the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: but her end is bitter as wormwood… [Proverbs 5:3,4]


How often do I speak as honey purely with the intention of getting my own way-which in turn often has results that are bitter as wormwood…? 

… ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Hear me now … depart not from the words of my mouth. Remove thy way far from her…Lest thou give thine honour unto others… [Proverbs 5:6-9]

Are my ways moveable? Do I allow my “mood” to affect {move} how I treat my family? Sadly, that is something I struggle with at times-to the point that my husband canst not know [my ways]. When I allow how I feel to so deeply affect how I act, I am a detriment to the Lord’s ministry in my husband’s life as well as my own testimony to my children {and others}… and the honor of our family is harmed.

Now, I know that this “strange woman” spoken of here is an harlot, and I know that the Bible is teaching young men not to seek out a woman with these traits as she will lead them to ruin; but as a Christian, trying-to-be-Godly woman… I need to guard my own heart against those tenancies.

…because I cannot forget that I have 3 little girls and a sweet baby-man looking at ME to see what a Godly woman should act like.



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{{As I close this post, I feel I must say this…. I realize that some of the thoughts I am sharing during this 31 days may seem a bit strong. I apologize if I come across that way. I am truly only sharing things the Lord has shown me about my own life, about the lives of my children and what to teach them. 

 I totally get it that some people may not see or understand the same thing I do. I do not always see a passage the same as another, but we can edify each other that way.

 That is the beauty of studying Scriptures on a personal level. That is the beauty of our God! I pray you are blessed and encouraged!}}

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